At Peritus Investment Consultancy we do not manage portfolios or funds. As an Investment Consultant, our service is to research, monitor and select global investment managers and mutual funds for our clients.
Please contact us if your firm offers any of the following strategies:
- Global Equity: long only or long-short
- Global Balanced / Multi Asset / Diversified Growth
- Global Fixed Income
- Global Emerging Market Equity or Multi Asset
- Global Property
- Global Private Equity
- Global Small Capitalisation Equity
- Global Managed Futures
Discretionary Portfolio Managers
Please submit the following information to
- Generic institutional presentation
- Asset allocation history pertinent to the performance data
- Institutional due diligence questionnaire
- Monthly / quarterly performance data net of fees
- Explanation of the construction and reliability of the performance data
Mutual Fund Managers
Please submit the following information to
- Generic institutional presentation
- Asset allocation history pertinent to the performance data
- Institutional due diligence questionnaire
- Bi annual fact sheets – last three years
- Attribution – last three years